Saturday, February 21, 2009


Who would have thought that a kite would be dangerous.
Today Sadie went to play at the neighbors house. They went
outside to fly a kite. Sounds simple right?
As the neighbor was trying to get the kite up the wind
said other wise and shot the kite done.
As the kite came down Sadie happened to be there
the the string went wrapping around her neck.
Luckly they got the string upwrapped and she came
running home.
Luckly she is alright, she is going to have
a red mark around her neck to remind her
(really she will remind me)
of what happened.


dede said...

it sounds like the neighbors are dangerous - yikes!! glad she is ok!!

Jody said...

Holy Cow! Who would have ever thought?! Glad to see she is alright!

Bobette said...

Wow! I am so glad that she is okay! Who would have thought that could happen!

Saralin said...

Ouch! Who knew kites could be so dangerous.

Alicia Cerva said...

That is crazy! I'm glad she's okay too!

kat said...

ok so i have never heard of that happening before and we have flown kites tons of times! i am so glad that they got the string upwrapped quickly and that sadie is ok... hopefully she wont have a kite/string/wind phobia now... too crazy...