Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We had our annual trip to Primary Childrens this week. We tried out the new PCMC in Riverton and it was great. Nice place and a shorter drive for us. We were only there for 45 mins.
When Naomi started her surgery she was 14mm off from her other leg. 4 months after her surgery she only moved to 12mm. I thought that we were in her for the long hall. But yerterday she mersured at 6mm off. We are almost there I can feel it. I feel like we hit a mile stone with her hips. We always go there and never seem to have good news. It was nice to go there and finally get good news. We are hoping that she will grow just a little bit more by 6 months then we can get the metal plates and screws OUT!


dede said...

yea!!! I am so glad you finally had some good news!!

Cassidy said...

That is great news. I hope that we get something good to report in June. What a big worry off of your mind. I'm so happy for you!