Thursday, April 30, 2009

new wheels

My Sadie learned how to ride a bike last night. I was fixing dinner
and Rick came in and told me that I needed to come and watch her.
I came out and there she went. Starting and stopping by herself.
Thanks to Aryn Cerva for helping with the starting she is off and going.
(If Aryn is willing to move in I won't argue with anyone. She held Rylee while
I made dinner than went outside to help Sadie)

She is so proud of herself that she called everyone last night to tell them.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

what do you think?

Okay Dede has helped me learn how to use my camera.
I bought it about 1 year ago and I am finally learning how to use it.
Believe it or not I have read the manual but it went in 1 ear and out the other.
So I have been playing with the camera(on manual) and this is the only
picture that I thought turned out half way good.
So I am posting this to have Dede is what I did.
I still have lots more to learn and lots more questions
now that I starting to take pictures.
So thanks to Dede for helping me out.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

jyll and natalie

On Saturday we did the MS Walk at the Gateway.
We did it for my sister in law Jyll Mendenhall Roberts and Natalie Mendenhall
(middle picture of them)the MS sisters
Jyll had all the shirts made up for all 59 people that walked for her.
It was all amazing who came to support her. It is a nasty thing to have and
I hope that someday they will find a cure for MS.
You would never know that Jyll has MS. She will run circles around
everyone that I know. She works hard. She wants a family so bad
but MS does not stop her with that. She had a little girl Chloe in July.
There was thousands of people there walking, running and in a wheelchair.
We walked a 5K around Salk Lake with a break in the middle.
I was so proud my Dad and my Mom made it.(now that is dedication)
At the end they gave us medals. Sadie kept saying "I can't believe we won."
Eli said "I can't believe they gave us a bronze medal"
It was so much fun (and a excausting) day.
I can't wait to do it next year!!